Feb 09, 09 - Just yesterday I got news for myself and everyone else today (not sure if it's good or bad). Yesterday was the audition for talentine talentine and I'm through! Meaning... I qualify to perform 2 of my songs on stage, in Tan Sri William Tan Auditorium, on Valentine Talentine's day!
These will be the songs I'll be performing in each category:
** ** ********* (Solo)
** **** (Group of 2)
There aren't really many performances based on the number of people who came, I think? There's always Orange Stained Shirts and Stoic4life band. Will be really looking forward to it... :$ Or will I not? Better hope I don't get stage fright or something like that :P
Anything for me? :P
Hmm, I've got no one in my head to think about for any of these valentine gifts. That's a good thing, right? O.o
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